Monday, August 1, 2011

Radiance knowledge database

Radiance is a quantity in Physics (like voltage or length), specifying the amount of energy radiated in a given direction from a surface. Mostly used with non-ionizing, electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum (light), ultra-violett (UV) or infrared (IR). More precisely, it's defined as radiated power over solid angle and "projected" area, the SI unit being [Watt/(m2 sr)].

Radiance is also the name of a physically based rendering package written largely by Greg Ward, initially at LBNL, EPFL, then SGI, now running Anyhere Software. It is a physically-based, image-generating, backward raytracer with very a powerful rendering engine. It is used worldwide for lighting analysis and can generate accurate values for radiance/luminance (W/sr.m²,cd/m²) and irradiance/illuminance (W/m,Lux).

Radiance라는 physically-based spectral rendering으로 방식을 추구하는 renderer를 중심으로 spectral color rendering 전반에 대한 학술적인 정기모임에서 발표 했던 자료들을 정리 해 올려 논 싸이트다. 프로덕션에서 굴리기에는 아직 너무 앞선 방식이지만 멀지 않은 미래의 거의 모든 renderer들의 목표가 되는 physically-based accurate color reproduction의 구심점이 되지 않을까 한다.